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Github actions#

A really nice feature to have always is a fully automated platform which tests the code in multiple platforms at once. In this case we are using Github Actions to do so. The configuration is stored in the .github/workflows folder.

Current workflows#

Currently, there are 2 workflows:

  • docs.yml: It deploys automatically a newly updated documentation to the gh-pages branch.
  • `main.yml: It ensures the correctness of the code. It runs the full test suite in multiple platforms (Linux, MacOS, and Windows) and also checks the code style.

Testing workflows locally#

In the case that you want to change any of the workflows, instead of doing 1000 pull-requests or commits to try it out, it is possible (and recommended) to run the workflows locally. To do so, you need to install the act package. Refer to their official documentation for more information. With the command act you can run the workflows locally. That's all!


The full command is: act -P


Currently, the default runner does not work. It is recommended to use the Therefore the full command is act -P In this case the image is way larger... but it works. As well see this Github notice.