
In order to make it easier the development, several small tasks have been develop. Please feel free to add more. All those tasks can be found in the tasks.py. In order to run them, you can use the following command:

invoke <task_name>

The available tasks are:

  • tests: It will create a docker that will perform all the needed tests to ensure that the code passes all the tests, format conventions, etc. It is intended to help ensure a good maintainance of the project. There is an option that is --local so it does not run in a docker container.

  • gen-docs-platform-commands: Generate automatically the documentation for a platform. It was originally intended to document all the commands in the first version of the project, but it can be used to document any platform.

  • netmiko-check: Netmiko is a core library in Network Automation. FakeNOS intends to be a testing library for it, and as such, it is important to ensure that the available platforms are compatible with Netmiko. This task generates a script that can be used to test the compatibility of a platform with Netmiko. If it goes well, it will say Everything is OK! ✅.