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Basic Usage#

FakeNOS has some built in default hosts which are used in case that no inventory is given. In such case it will open the following:

  • router_cisco_ios: a device with username user and password user in the port 6000. The platform is cisco_ios.
  • router_huawei_smartax: a device with username user and password user in the port 6001. The platform is huawei_smartax.
  • router_arista_eos: a device with username user and password user in the port 6002. The platform is arista_eos.

In both cases, the fake devices are running on the localhost or address. To run those just use the following code:

from fakenos import FakeNOS

network = FakeNOS()

Initiate SSH connection using default username user and password user:

ssh -p 6000 user@localhost # cisco_ios
ssh -p 6001 user@localhost # huawei_smartax

The equivalent to running above code would be to run FakeNOS CLI without any arguments:
