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Running in Docker Container

Running FakeNOS in a container enables numerous integrations use cases.

Running with Docker#

Pre-built FakeNOS docker container published to DockerHUB repository

Build and Run with Docker-Compose#

FakeNOS GitHub repository contains docker-compose and Docker files to build and start FakeNOS in a container. To use it, providing that you already installed Docker, Docker-Compose and GIT on the system:

git clone   # (1)
cd fakenos/docker/                                   # (2)
docker-compose up -d                                 # (3)
ssh -l user -p 6001                       # (4)
  1. Clone FakeNOS repository from GitHub
  2. Navigate to fakenos docker directory
  3. Build and start container in detached (-d) mode
  4. Initiate SSH connection to FakeNOS router

fakenos container uses IP address by default as specified in docker-compose.yaml file.

fakenos/docker/ folder contains fakenos_inventory.yaml file, with inventory that is used to start FakeNOS inside a container:

  username: "user"
  password: "user"
  port: [10000, 60000]
    plugin: "ParamikoSshServer"
      address: ""
      timeout: 1
  shell: {plugin: "CMDShell", configuration: {}}
  nos: {plugin: "cisco_ios", configuration: {}}

  router: {count: 10, port: [6001, 7000]}

Adjust inventory settings before running the container or update inventory content and restart fakenos container to apply changes - docker restart fakenos

Inventory file bound to the fakenos container as a volume in docker-compose file, as a result any changes to fakenos_inventory.yaml file visible to fakenos process running inside the container.